How Long Is Depression Rehab?

Talk therapy helps treating depression

There’s a common misconception about rehab, with many believing you must have a drug or alcohol addiction to enlist in this treatment.

All this couldn’t be any further from the truth; rehab is not limited to diagnosing and treating substance abuse. For example, many people with depression go to rehab for treatment, and it’s more popular than you might think.

Can you go to rehab for depression?

The short answer is yes. You can go to rehab for depression.

There are various treatment options for depression, including inpatient and outpatient treatment — and whichever option suits you will depend on your condition and the severity of your depressive symptoms.

How to know when to seek treatment for depression

Knowing when to seek help for depression or any mental health disorder can be challenging.

You may question whether your symptoms are just part of your personality, or you might be afraid of worrying your loved ones’ and therefore are reluctant to seek help.

Considering your options

It’s common for people with major depressive disorder and other types of depression to wonder whether their condition requires treatment.

You may wonder whether you should take the medication route or enlist in a rehab program. Whatever decision you make must be the right one for you.

The benefits of inpatient and outpatient rehab

Studies show the various benefits of inpatient and outpatient treatment for those with depression and other mental health conditions.

Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation can profoundly benefit those whose mental and physical health may be at risk due to their symptoms or how their depression limits their life.

What type of mental health conditions does rehab treat?

Anxiety disorder up close

Rehabilitation treatment programs diagnose and treat various mental health disorders, including:

  • Substance addiction (such as drug or alcohol addiction)
  • Severe depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Behavioural addiction (such as gambling or sex addiction)
  • Personality disorders – such as borderline personality disorder

How common is depression?

According to studies, major depressive disorder affects approximately 16.1 million U.S. adults (and 25 million people from all backgrounds and ages).

Many people with depression suffer in silence.

Depression: the ”silent” disease

Depression has many faces.

If you think about celebrities like Robin Williams or Kurt Cobain – on the surface, it wasn’t apparent from their upbeat personas and behaviour that they suffered from depression.

Anyone can be affected by mental illness, and depression has some of the highest prevalence rates globally.

For instance, another study on depression showed that nearly 7% of Americans experience major depressive disorder in any given year.

Centres for Health and Healing specialises in diagnosing and treating those who require support and help for depression. Contact our specialist team today for advice and information.

What are the different types of depression?

Young woman suffering from postnatal depression at home

There are various types of depression, including:

  • Persistent depressive disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Substance-induced depressive disorder
  • Postpartum depression

Knowing what type of depression you have is critical to getting proper treatment and support.

It would help if you spoke to a doctor or mental health professional who will formally diagnose you and create an individualised treatment plan to suit your needs and condition (s).

The benefits of depression treatment

There are many books and other resources on depression, many of which can be valuable – however, most people with depression require treatment such as medication and clinical therapy.

Since there are various adverse effects of depression, such as drug or alcohol abuse and other concurrent disorders, individuals with the condition often benefit from speaking to a psychiatrist or mental health professional.

Studies show that without treatment, depression can worsen.


Untreated depression causes various complications – for example, in the United States alone, depression is the cause of over two-thirds of suicide-related deaths.

Moreover, the research literature states that those with depression are four times more likely to suffer from a heart attack. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Depression is a treatable condition.

Depression is a highly treatable condition, and those who seek treatment are likely to see an improvement in their symptoms relatively quickly.

One study showed that 80% of those who seek professional help for depression are likely to experience an improvement in their symptoms within four to six weeks.

However, not everyone seeks help for depression – for instance, statistics show that over half of those suffering from depression never seek professional treatment.

Why do people go to rehab for depression?

The benefits of medication and therapy offer significant value to those with depression. However, in some cases, those with depression require a higher level of care; this is where rehab can be significantly helpful.

Most rehab facilities offer treatment for co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders are when a person has two conditions simultaneously – for example; they may have an alcohol use disorder and depression.

Typically, rehabilitation treatment centres offer care and support to those with depression and other mental health conditions such as anxiety or borderline personality disorder.

What treatment programs are available to those in rehab for depression?

Vaughan recovery centre

There are various evidence-based treatment programs available to those in rehab for depression. Residential treatment centres offer multiple therapies where the patient and therapist work together to devise an individualised treatment plan.

The treatment plan for people with co-occurring disorders might differ from those who only have one condition.

Depression treatment programs

Rehabilitation treatment for depression includes:

Depression rehab centres 

Deciding to enter rehab for depression can be a daunting prospect for many. 

However, there are various things to consider, and you may wonder what it’s like to join a residential treatment program. Anyone who enters rehab is likely to experience similar worries or concerns- especially if it is your first time. 

However, taking the first steps is worth it when you consider the quality of therapy and the strong support network offered in rehabilitation treatment. During rehab, you can access help and support for your depression that you may not get with other treatments.

With this type of recovery, you can heal with people who can relate to your experience, which can be immensely valuable for many, particularly those who have been isolated and withdrawn for long periods.

Fortunately, depression is a treatable condition, and many people can access more intense therapy and support in a rehabilitation facility.

What are the symptoms of depression?

frustrated woman calling while sitting on a chair

Depression symptoms can vary between people. However, the condition is often characterised by the following symptoms:

  • Apathy
  • Anger
  • Extreme sadness
  • Despair
  • Emptiness
  • Hopelessness
  • Physical and mental exhaustion

When an individual suffers from extreme depression, such as major depressive disorder or treatment-resistant depression, depression rehab may be the most optimal treatment solution.

Depression rehab allows you to remove yourself from any negative influences that might affect your condition or recovery; the ultimate goal of rehab is to encourage healing in a safe space.

Rehabilitation teaches people healthy skills and coping mechanisms while they learn to manage their symptoms.

How long is depression rehab?

Depression treatment in a rehabilitation facility can last from two days to two weeks (or longer if needed). The duration of your treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and whether you have any other conditions.

Treatment is provided by a multidisciplinary team specialising in improving and alleviating symptoms and stabilising patients.

Contact Centres for Health and Healing

Depression does not have to be a way of life. You can control your symptoms and improve your quality of life with proper treatment and support.

At Centres for Health and Healing, our multidisciplinary team specialises in treating all types of depression through various treatment programs, including:

Now is the time to get help for depression. Our team is always around to lend a compassionate ear – contact us today to begin your journey to wellness.

Additional resources

  1. Is There Rehab for Depression? Verywell mind, Kendra Cherry, October 5, 2022
  2. Everything You Need to Know About Depression (Major Depressive Disorder), Healthline, Valencia Higuera, November 1, 2021
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