Dual Diagnosis treatment Toronto

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Toronto

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Today, dual diagnosis presents a significant challenge for individuals seeking recovery. The complexity of managing both conditions simultaneously often leads to inadequate treatment and prolonged suffering. Centres for Health and Healing offers specialized dual diagnosis treatment in Toronto, providing a comprehensive, integrative approach that addresses both mental health and addiction. With personalized care plans and a team of experienced professionals, they ensure that clients receive the support needed to achieve lasting recovery and well-being.

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Toronto?

Dual diagnosis refers to the coexistence of a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder. Also known as co-morbidity or co-occurring disorders, this field is still evolving as researchers explore the complex relationship between addiction and mental health, seeking the most effective treatments.

Current research suggests the relationship between the two disorders can be due to three possibilities:

  • A mental health disorder contributes to a substance use disorder
    People with mental health issues may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, seeking temporary relief. Over time, this can alter brain function, increasing the risk of addiction.
  • A substance use disorder directly causes a mental health disorder
    Substance use can change the brain, making some people more prone to mental health issues. It can also worsen existing conditions or mimic mental health symptoms during withdrawal.
  • Common risk factors
    Both conditions share some common risk factors, including trauma, high-stress environments, and genetics.

It is also understood that the type and pattern of dual diagnosis vary with age, gender, culture, peer group and social settings – and every person’s experience will be different. A lot will depend on the type of mental health problem, the kind of substance(s) used, and how the two interact.

While addiction treatment and mental health treatment still tend to be separate systems of care, research now shows that people with co-occurring disorders need specialized dual diagnosis treatment in Toronto. The two conditions significantly impact each other and, unless treated together, a high incidence of relapse is likely.

With the right support and professional care, those suffering from dual diagnosis complexities can overcome both conditions and learn to manage their well-being effectively.

A man discusses his experiences during dual diagnosis treatment toronto

What are the Most Common Examples of Dual Diagnosis?

There is an endless range of combinations in dual diagnosis, but some of the most common co-occurring conditions include:

Depression and Alcohol Addiction

Individuals who suffer from depression are more likely to abuse or become dependent on alcohol, using it as a coping mechanism to suppress symptoms, such as anxiety, insomnia and irritability. Unfortunately, this form of self-medicating often makes the problem significantly worse. For many, depression is the primary condition, with alcohol addiction developing over time. For others, alcohol addiction is the starting point with symptoms of depression arising over time due to the physical effects of alcohol abuse. 

Anxiety Disorders and Prescription Drug Addiction

Anxiety disorders can come in many forms, including social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The anxiety symptoms can be so intense and unbearable that people often resort to taking some form of medication to find relief. Unfortunately, many of the prescription medications used to treat anxiety disorders, such as benzodiazepines, are highly addictive. Long-term use can cause changes in brain structure, resulting in increased tolerance, which ultimately leads to addiction.

Bipolar Disorder and Cocaine or Alcohol Abuse

Symptoms of bipolar disorder (manic depression) are typically related to extreme changes in behaviour, mood and energy levels. The substance of choice to manage symptoms will often depend on which symptoms are present – whether the person is in a depressive or manic cycle. For example, during a low period, a person with bipolar disorder may use stimulants, like cocaine, to feel increased energy, focus and sociability. Stimulants are highly addictive if used over an extended period. In addition, long-term use sees symptoms of the mental health disorder worsen rather than improve.

Borderline Personality Disorder and Poly-Drug Abuse

Research shows that borderline personality disorder (BPD) and addiction frequently occur together. Over 75% of people living with BPD have a substance use disorder at some point in their lifetime. They will use a variety of substances to self-medicate, to relieve the symptoms of intense emotional pain. While it is believed that substance abuse alone cannot cause BPD, it is known to aggravate and hasten its progression.

PTSD and Opioid or Alcohol Addiction

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops after a person has experienced one or more traumatic events. The condition affects millions of people each year, but most do not seek the professional support required to manage their symptoms effectively. Many people with PTSD self-medicate, turning to prescription painkillers or alcohol to relieve the intensity of their symptoms, including flashbacks, insomnia and recurring disturbing thoughts. Over time, the use of opiates or alcohol may result in the development of addiction.

Schizophrenia and Cannabis Abuse

Studies show that cannabis (marijuana) is one of the most commonly abused substances by those living with schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia often have difficulty coping with highly disruptive symptoms, turning to self-medication for temporary relief. However, if a person has schizophrenia (or a predisposition to it) and uses cannabis to experience a short-term ‘high’, their symptoms will only worsen over time, with more psychotic episodes likely to result.

Recovery from any combination of co-occurring disorders requires a treatment plan that targets both the mental health disorder and addiction to ensure effective, long-term results.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis?

It can be challenging to identify the signs and symptoms of dual diagnosis for several reasons, including:

  • They present themselves in unique ways with each individual
  • They vary enormously depending on the combination of mental health disorders and substance(s) used
  • Some mental health disorders and addictions have similar biological, psychological and social components, which means they can look the same and often overlap. 

While signs and symptoms are complex and vary in severity, there are common indicators of dual diagnosis, which include:

  • Sudden changes in behaviour (e.g. engaging in violent or risky behaviours)
  • Changes in sleep patterns (e.g. insomnia or excessive sleep)
  • Inability to concentrate and confused thinking
  • Social withdrawal: isolating from friends, family, and those who offer support
  • Dramatic shifts in moods or energy levels and an inability to control emotions
  • Intense feelings of hopelessness, despair and/or worthlessness
  • Anxiety that can only be relieved by certain behaviours or rituals
  • Difficulties meeting daily responsibilities, including employment
  • Trouble maintaining relationships due to erratic behaviour or mood swings
  • Use of alcohol or drugs as a way of coping with any of the above symptoms, despite being aware of the dangers.

Due to the complexities of both conditions, dual-diagnosis disorders can be challenging to diagnose. For example, addictions can present symptoms of mental health disorders and mental health disorders can present symptoms of addiction. A full diagnosis of co-occurring disorders needs to be made by trained professionals so that an effective dual diagnosis treatment in Toronto can be devised for recovery from both conditions.

A woman discusses her struggle during dual diagnosis treatment toronto.

Can Dual Diagnosis be Treated?

It is common for people with dual diagnosis to only receive treatment for one disorder while the other remains untreated. This can happen if an incomplete diagnosis is made, due to the symptoms being so similar and/or overlapping. 

If one of the co-occurring disorders goes untreated, both usually worsen, and additional complications can often arise. A combination of disorders can result in poor response to traditional treatments – as symptoms tend to be more persistent, severe and resistant – and increase the risk for other serious medical problems.

Research suggests that co-occurring conditions must be treated at the same time, through an integrated treatment program. Specialized dual diagnosis treatment provides intensive care for both diagnoses and is key to a full recovery.

Early detection and treatment greatly improve recovery and significantly reduce the risk of relapse. 

Highly effective dual diagnosis treatments will include:

  • Integrative treatment for mental illness and addiction at a single location
  • Close collaboration between the professionals involved in the treatment
  • Staff of psychiatric professionals and addiction therapists, with specialized training in co-occurring disorders
  • Individual counselling and peer group support
  • Access to medications to manage craving and withdrawal symptoms during detoxification and/or to relieve the symptoms of some mental health conditions
  • Complementary, holistic therapies, such as acupuncture, equine-assisted therapy, hypnotherapy, massage and mindfulness therapy
  • Aftercare recovery support.

What to Expect in Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program in Toronto

At Centres for Health and Healing, we understand the complexities of treating both mental health and substance use disorders together. Here’s what you can expect from our dual diagnosis treatment:

  • Comprehensive assessment: We begin with a detailed assessment by our professionals to understand your needs and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Therapeutic interventions: You’ll participate in individual, group, and family therapy sessions designed to address underlying issues, develop coping strategies, and build your support network.
  • Medication management: We may prescribe medications to help stabilize mood, manage symptoms, and reduce cravings. Our medical team will closely monitor your progress to ensure the best outcomes.
  • Holistic and supportive therapies: Alongside traditional therapies, we offer holistic options like mindfulness, yoga, and nutrition counselling to promote a healthier lifestyle and support your recovery.
  • Continuing care and relapse prevention: Recovery continues beyond formal treatment. We focus on relapse prevention and offer ongoing support through counselling, group therapy, and support groups to help you stay on track.

Our dual diagnosis treatment program at Centres for Health and Healing is designed to help you navigate the challenges of co-occurring disorders, to achieve and maintain long-term recovery.

A woman enjoys dual diagnosis treatment in toronto

Find Hope and Healing With Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Toronto

At Centres for Health and Healing, we understand how challenging it can be to face both addiction and mental health disorders. Our compassionate, multi-disciplinary team is here to support you with a holistic, individualized approach that addresses both challenges simultaneously, offering true dual diagnosis treatment in Toronto. Through a combination of psychiatric evaluation, intensive therapy, medical care, and wellness practices like exercise and nutrition, we’re committed to helping you find the balance and healing you deserve. 

Reach out to us today to start your journey towards lasting health and well-being.

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