Fueled by the wine and spirits advertising and marketing industry, alcohol is deemed a socially acceptable drug in today’s society. How many times have you watched a film or television show where, at the end of the day, a bottle of wine is uncorked during cooking, dinner or after the kids have gone to bed to deal with the stress of the day?
From drinks out after work to wine moms’ day drinking at playdates and black-out stag parties, everything surrounding alcohol can be normalized. Many of us are conditioned to believe “everything’s better with a drink.”
But there are severe and life-altering consequences of long-term alcohol usage. Whether you’re a binge drinker, social drinker or have alcohol use disorder (AUD), the long-term effects of alcohol have a lasting impact on your health, relationships, career, finances and emotional and mental state.
In this article, we will take a close look at seven health effects of long-term alcohol abuse.
Are you worried you might have a problem with long-term alcohol abuse? If so, please reach out to Centres for Health and Healing today. We are here to help you take that first step and change your life.
How CFHH can help
With a unique individualized treatment program, Centres for Health and Healing offers a different approach to recovery. At CFHH, you’ll learn how to identify and explore any emotional or behavioural patterns that are no longer serving you and are holding you back from being your whole, most authentic self.
Our integrated treatment programs adopt a holistic approach to recovery. This means we treat your symptoms and any underlying root causes, giving you the very best chance of lasting recovery and wellness.
Below are just some of the addiction and mental health treatment programs we offer at our Toronto recovery centre:
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
- PTSD treatment
- Substance addiction treatment
- Mindfulness therapy
- Group therapy
- Individual therapy
- Family support
- Aftercare and support program
To learn more about our addiction treatment programs, contact our expert team in Toronto, who can provide information and support to help you.
What are 7 health effects of long-term alcohol abuse?
1. Liver damage (Cirrhosis and Fatty liver disease)
The liver is one of your body’s vital organs. It helps eliminate toxic substances, absorb nutrients, and digest food. Long-term, excessive alcohol abuse damages and deteriorates the liver. This damage leads to health conditions such as fatty liver disease, jaundice, urinary problems, skin irritation, loss of appetite, fluid retention, bruising, high cholesterol, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Complete liver failure often results in death.
2. Cardiovascular disease
Alcohol places an increased strain on your heart and overall cardiovascular system. There is a clear link between alcohol abuse, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease (CVD). With prolonged alcohol abuse, the hypertension of high blood pressure strains your heart to the point of arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, heart disease, and stroke.
3. Cancer
All alcoholic beverages are linked to various cancers. Recent studies show that drinking three or more alcoholic beverages a day (red and white wine, beer, liquor) can increase the risk of pancreatic, stomach, mouth, liver, and esophageal cancer. Long-term alcohol abuse also contributes to the risk of prostate cancer. For breast cancer, just 500 ml of beer (one bottle) or 200 ml of wine (2 small glasses) a day will increase your risk. Research concludes there is no safe limit of alcohol consumption as the risk increases with each unit of alcohol consumed (per day).
4. Diminished brain matter
Strong evidence exists showing that heavy drinking and long-term alcohol abuse cause brain cells to die and a shrinkage of brain structure, including reduced grey and white matter in the brain. This reduction triggers marked changes in metabolism, personality, impulsive behaviour, impaired judgment, mood changes and aggression. Long-term drinkers also suffer from brain atrophy, neuronal loss, memory loss and language impairment.
5. Digestive damage
When alcohol is constantly present in the digestive system, the lining of the stomach wears out, which triggers an increase in acid production. In addition, long-term alcohol abuse impairs the breakdown and absorption of vital nutrients. These nutritional deficiencies can cause chronic pain and long-term health consequences, resulting in ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and the increased risk of developing stomach and esophageal cancers.
6. Damage to the Central Nervous System
The long-term effects of alcohol on the central nervous system are widespread. Over time, long-term alcohol abuse damages the central and peripheral nervous system, which can lead to conditions such as neuropathy and brain damage. Long-term drinkers often experience tingling, numbness, and long-term cognitive decline. There is also a link between alcohol and mental health disorders. Long-term alcohol abusers often suffer from sleep disorders, impaired concentration, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or even trauma-related issues.
7. Weakened bones and Immune system
Long-term alcohol abuse leads to a deficiency in Vitamin D production and a lack of calcium in your body, which causes weak bones. Without strong bones, there is an increased risk of osteoporosis, pain, disability and fractures. Chronic alcohol drinkers are also more susceptible to frequent illness, infections, and a slower recovery as they also suffer from a weakened immune system
Long-term alcohol abuse treatment at Centres for Health and Healing
Navigating the health effects of long-term alcohol abuse is a complex matter. The most important thing for you to know is that you are not alone. If you or someone you know are experiencing symptoms of long-term alcohol abuse, remember help is available, and recovery is possible. At Centres for Health and Healing, we provide private treatment facilities for those needing to recover in the comfort and security of a safe environment that encourages lasting healing, and we are committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care for those seeking a path to recovery.
Our team is dedicated to offering a range of services tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, from therapy and counselling to support groups and holistic recovery programs. No matter what health effects you’re currently experiencing, help and support are available. Whether you’re struggling with AUD or long-term alcohol abuse or are in the early stages of considering sobriety, we’re here for you every step of the way.
Recovery is about more than just abstaining from alcohol; it’s about healing on all levels and rebuilding a life filled with joy, purpose, and connection. We at the Centres for Health and Healing believe in your strength and potential for growth. Our specialist team treats and diagnoses various health disorders due to long-term alcohol abuse and provides individual therapy for those needing help and support.
If you would like more information about our treatment programs or to speak with a member of our specialist team about starting your journey towards healing, please reach out today for a free, confidential call.